Shane has worked on some of the world's biggest brands, creating innovative digital experiences for more than two decades. With experience across a breadth of verticals, Shane brings a fresh perspective through a wide range of industry expertise driving meaningful audience engagement. 

Jacksonville Jaguars

The Jacksonville Jaguars engaged Shane and his team to lead creative efforts for both marketing and partnership initiatives that required innovative thinking and creative excellence.

While this effort is anchored by Shane’s team’s comprehensive rebranding work, it also included conceptual development, design, copy, and production across all media including digital/social, broadcast, print and experiential.

Shane either led or contributed key resources to the team’s primary strategic initiatives, ranging from social justice to promoting the team’s key second-screen product, and leading multiple social content series for their primary partners..

Shane served as the organization’s Executive Creative Director, spanning all marketing and branding efforts, through his agency—Bravely—and their creative agency partnership.

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson Vision (JJV) sought to make 2020 the year in which they targeted consumers and eye-care professionals (ECPs), driving engagement and awareness towards resources that explained how better eye health leads to better overall health.

Dubbed the “Prioritize Your Eyes” campaign, Shane led his team through the development all of the creative components of this global initiative, including key messaging maps, social media assets, videos, and other educational content across all primary communications channels.

These creative pillars served as the foundation not only for global communications, set to be trans-created across regions, but they also informed a product-based campaign. These efforts positioned JJV as a thought-leader via products and services during a global pandemic in which health was top of mind around the world.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), set out to create a campaign to help their membership and followers understand the importance of cultural competence, and how it can impact the services they provide to diverse patients and clients from all walks of life.

Shane led the development of an entire brand treatment, along with campaign materials including social media outreach, toolkits and a microsite dubbed “That’s Unheard Of.”

His team conducted research to understand ASHA’s primary personas, and how best to reach them. They developed a creative platform, and developed all of the messaging, content, design, and strategy elements for the effort. The result is a campaign that educates while still feeling approachable, providing an invaluable resource for practitioners, educators, and students alike.


ADCOLOR relies on their owned social channels as the organization’s primary communications, promotional, and community-building platform. Shane leads the creative strategic direction in establishing the DEI-focused nonprofit’s vision and value to its followers by bringing their ethos of “Rise Up and Reach Back” to life. To do so, their content has to not only educate, inspire, and engage, but also provide their community a chance to take action and establish ongoing opportunities to connect and make a difference.

Since taking over ADCOLOR’s social business in 2021, Shane and his team have grown their social media impact by increasing their followers by more than 700% and their engagement by more than 125%. Their overall social media engagement rate across all channels was an astounding 6.3%, when a “good” category baseline is set at 1-2%.


Marriott TRAVELER is part lifestyle magazine and part social media hub, featuring content centered around culture, family, fashion, food & drink and more. Shane and his team were an integral part of the process, from developing the flexible information architecture of the content and the layout of its pages; creatively consulting on the user experience design to leading the development of a responsive, mobile-optimized platform that curates content from Marriott staff, travel writers and influencers. The site — whose initial launch focused on three pilot destinations, then expanded to more than thirty — also allows for users to seamlessly share content, all before finally making the decision to book with a property.

The early results were extremely positive. With coverage on major outlets like The Washington PostDigiday and Mediapost all indications are that our work on Marriott Traveler looks to readily adopted by content-savvy travelers around the globe.

Marriott TRAVELER has generated more than 2,547,000 sessions, attracted more than 1,348,000 mobile visitors, drawn more than 4,128,000 page views and prompted nearly 15,600 social shares. The creative was recognized for two Gold W3 Awards and one Silver W3 Award.

Powered by Marriott

Beginning as a digital platform to enhance Marriott’s general SEO, Shane's team created Tripographer as a robust, experiential destination for users to create and share their travel-related content. Built using modern technology standards, Tripographer lets users treat photos with popular filtering effects, create slideshows, and even create narrated tours of destinations using Google’s Street View. The result is an engaging social platform that not only drives content sharing among users, but each piece of content dynamically links back to Marriott properties featured in user content. Within the first 60 days of launch, Tripographer had more than 500,000 unique visitors and more than 1,300 accounts created. It was also named to the Favourite Website Awards’ Public Shortlist, and was recognized for two Bronze 2013 Telly Awards for its homepage promotional video. The site also won one Gold 2013 W3 Award, five Silver 2013 W3 Awards and a 2014 Pixel Awards People’s Champ in the Travel (Mobile) category.

Under Armour


Shane established a trusted partnership with Under Armour as part of their roster of agencies executing their mission to make all athletes better through passion, design and the relentless pursuit of innovation. His team's primary role was to work with the UA brand team to produce graphic assets for playbooks, publications, digital banners and signs, among other cross-channel materials. They were selected in part due to their project management process, which ensures high-quality creative balanced with a quick-response, hyper-efficient model. This allowed them to ensure they can meet the high-demands of multi-channel production without sacrificing creativity and quality.

Bedsider #MakeSomeLove

As an online birth control support network for women 18-29 operated by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, a private non-profit organization, one of's biggest opportunities to grow its audience is on Valentine's Day. 

With this in mind, the organization set out to significantly increase engagement across their social channels for the entire month of February 2017. In response, Shane and his team led an effort dubbed “#makesomelove,” a video-based social campaign that encourages viewers to take old Valentine's Day tropes and reinvent them. The idea was to give the old, clichéd holiday themes a “Bedsider twist” that empowers and inspires women to take a hands-on sense of ownership to their Valentine's Day and — by extension — their reproductive health.

The video series features “Tasty” style, overhead shots of seemingly innocuous cookie making. As the content unfolds, the viewer realizes they are seeing the “recipe for the perfect night,” including sexy tips and flirty hints for a great Valentine’s Day experience. The online ad campaign spanned Facebook and Instagram, enticing users to engage and share. The flagship video in the series, “Give Me Some Sugar Cookies,” garnered more than 1,400 reactions, 428 comments, and nearly 230,000 views organically.

Boundless Florida VR

Enterprise Florida (EFI), the state's economic development office sought to tout innovation as one of their primary, ownable pillars for business to consider moving operations to the state. They believed that for a business to reach its potential, it had to think beyond limits. What better way to illustrate this aspiration than to literally allow viewers to reach for the stars?

This VR/360-degree mobile web experience tapped into the viewer's innate need to discover and explore by highlighting the ULA rocket launch process. C-level decision makers, site selectors and consultants felt as if they say in the control room with the launch at their fingertips, following the rocket as it was transported to the launch pad, peered down into the silo as the final critical checks were made, and  felt the power as they watch the rocket lift out of orbit.

The initial experience kicked off EFI's foray into VR as additional content would be added as their library grows. The video also would serve as content for trade show experiences as well their organizational website and social network presences.


The NBA/WNBA FIT program is their public outreach site to increase awareness around physical activity, healthy living and conscious diet through a variety of programs, events, products and media.

Shane's team tasked with unifying the content on the site and developing a content hierarchy while also refreshing the design to be more dynamic. This included developing mobile and tablet-friendly layouts, as well as a UI kit to allow the design to cascade and scale as the content grows. They also included some basic, interactive health and fitness tools to increase repeat visitors who would start to see the site as a real, personalized resource.

Discovery Networks Creative

Shane and his team have created several interactive platforms for Discovery Networks properties, creating engagement opportunities for fans. A few examples include:

River Monsters Game

Created a thrilling, face-paced game to promote the new season of the Animal Planet hit show River Monsters. Using 3D character animation, and motion graphics, the multilevel fishing game is a fun and engaging extension of the show.

Players competed to become a "top angler" and could share their scores on Facebook and Twitter.

Sons of Guns Experience

Developed a fun and interactive application that allowed users to completely customize various gun hardware. To add to the quirky shareability, users could skin the guns with various textures, from the more obvious camouflage to a tongue-in-cheek heart-pattern or polka dots. Accessories included stocks, scopes, and suppressors — and even featured missiles, diamonds, and grenades for a truly outrageous experience.

Users could share their pimped-out creations via Facebook and Twitter, and were viewable in a gallery of visitors most awesome arrangements, and within the first 60 days, nearly 20,000 guns were created and shared.

Fatal Encounters Game

The Discovery Channel wanted to create buzz around the launch of their real-life murder mystery show, Fatal Encounters. Their creative team approached Shane’s team at SBS Studios to produce an HTML5, choose-your-own-adventure gaming experience, loosely based on themes from the show. They wrote the script for the game, and designed the look and feel in a way that would be conducive to compelling gaming while being congruous with the show. His team then developed the game in-house using HTML5 and jQuery while also providing a similar experience for mobile and outdated browsers. Fatal Encounters The Game was exceptionally popular and drew rave reviews from fans and casual players alike, and was recognized for a Best in Show ADDY Award in 2013.

Daytona International Speedway

In January 2016, The Daytona International Speedway (DIS) looked to culminate their $400 million venue upgrade, dubbed “Daytona Rising,” with a new website launch that ambitiously hoped to match the brand’s iconic, world-class racing experience.

Shane and his team created a user experience that truly communicated the DNA of the venue by balancing its legacy of being the “Birthplace of Speed” and its commitment to innovation and technology. Their goal was to create a site that complemented the visceral sense that can only be felt while at a race, while not detracting from the on-site participation. At the same time, there had to be a focus on ticket sales and ease-of-conversion.

The result was a site with an extremely clean, yet innovative UX with a premium on conversion. Using color-coding and streamlined iconography, users can quickly and easily explore the site for information, and have opportunities to convert at every turn. UX elements include callbacks to the DIS brand identity, bold and immersive photography, and even skewed angles that nod not only to concepts of forward progress and speed, but also serve as a clever call back to the venue itself, mimicking the angled bank of the track in its speed turns.

StayTeen: Level Up


As part of their work in reducing teen birth rates in the United States, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy created a program dubbed StayTeen with ongoing resources, communications and games designed to make sex education and birth control awareness fun and engaging. 

In 2017, StayTeen dedicated an entire month to focus communications around the issue, and created the development of its flagship element, a mobile-focused game called Level Up: An Epic Swiping Adventure. The immersive game allows players to create a customized character to represent themselves throughout the experience in which the levels mimic the cadence of a school year, along with customizing their personal crush. 

The gameplay pits players against all of the pressures and challenges teens face today that could sway their judgement and knowledge about relationships and sex, including drugs and alcohol, peer influence and pressure to have sex. As the pressures advance, users vanquish them by swiping in the appropriate shape on their screen, earning special powers along the way — represented by personified birth control “heroes,” each with their own educational tips and methods of defeating enemies.  The creative was promoted in prominent fashion with high impact placement in Times Square, and received coverage in major media outlets, such as Forbes. 

Entertainment Media


Shane’s leadership features varied experience with a myriad of entertainment industry properties across film and television, creating rich digital experiences featuring content, games, and more for HBO, Sony, Paramount, Universal, Disney, and Fox among others.

American Battlefield Trust


Coming out of a recent re-brand, the American Battlefield Trust—formerly known as the Civil War Trust—hoped to increase interest and awareness of Richmond-area historical battlefields as destinations for tourism. Shane led the development of a digital campaign to reach fringe audiences; those who aren’t history buffs or battlefield enthusiasts, but rather those with families hoping to travel short distances for weekend-length vacation experiences.

To bring the subject matter into the 21st century, Shane’s team crafted a tone and voice that was both human and humorous that would appeal to the targets in the nearby Northern Virginia/Washington DC area. Messaging was focused on lifestyle, hospitality and destination travel versus curatorial, historical or military-focused. We weren’t just getting people to the battlefields, but having them plan an entire weekend around it and other nearby attractions, from popular brunch spots to concert venues.

The result was an anachronistic, surprising use of familiar modern user-interface elements from popular navigational platforms juxtaposed over the beautiful and historic benefits that the battlefields have to offer. Executed in quick :15 and :06 second video units, the creative was served primarily on Facebook and Instagram due to their high-impact photographic value. The units drove to a custom landing page with unique personalized itineraries, relevant to a wide range of user interests whether they were looking for family fun or a romantic getaway. Fulfilling on the “surprising and delightful” promise of unexpected things you can see while visiting battlefields, the itineraries featured recommended restaurants, shopping and activities to create the perfect vacation destination. The landing page even utilized social commentary from actual users visiting the area to create a sense of community and connection.

Smokey Bear

Created in 1944, Smokey Bear’s message on wildfire prevention has served as the longest running public service campaign in the nation’s history. The redesigned site places heavy emphasis on educational content and vibrant imagery granting the user an investment in protecting U.S. wildlands, while also modernizing Smokey Bear. From an educational standpoint, the new site features resources that affirm facts on wildfire prevention and safety as well as the benefits of prescribed fires by professionals.

Focusing on a wide-ranging audience of kids, parents, educators and outdoor enthusiasts, content is depicted through infographics and images simple enough for youth to comprehend, yet advanced enough to interest adults. Also another inherent-yet-often-overlooked nuance of the site is ensuring it meets accessibility requirements so users who may need special assistance can still engage.

The creative was recognized for two Gold W3 Awards and one Silver ADDY Award.

“I Want To Be Recycled”

As part of a fully integrated campaign, empowers consumers to learn about the benefits of recycling and take action to “give trash a new life.” The site features highly interactive engagement tools, including a recycling search tool that lets users find recycling centers and resources based on their location, and an animated infographic dubbed “The Recycling Journey” that outlines the path of a material to its brand-new form.

The site is responsive to tablets and mobile devices, built using bleeding-edge web platforms. In 2011, the average American produced 4.4 pounds of trash per day, and the country as a whole produced more than 250 million tons of trash that year. Only about 35% of this trash was recycled, according to the EPA. As part of an effort to help educate the public on recycling, this landmark campaign was also featured in The New York Times (print and online). The creative was also recognized for two 2013 Silver W3 Awards, as well as the 2014 Pixel Award in the Green category and People’s Champ Award in the same category, along with a 2014 Gold ADDY Award.

One Sandbox


52% of all of businesses in the U.S. are minority-or-women-owned (MWBEs), yet they only receive 6% of the revenue. Conversations around this fact led to the development of a crucial digital platform to address the issue.

In a partnership led TBWA Worldwide, Shane and his team at Bravely designed, architected and built OneSandbox—a first-of-its-kind platform built to showcase diverse makers and vendors in the creative space, and connect them with brands and agencies. OneSandbox makes it easy for agencies and brands to find diverse (MWBEs) vendors across a range of disciplines, from production companies to UX specialists to casting and beyond.

Delivering on OneSandbox’s mission to increase the world’s Diversity IQ, the site was featured on Ad Age, and features daily curated content from media outlets focusing on diversity, as well as access links to the industry’s top events, conferences and award shows.